Family Tree

Lineage, or pedigree, is defined as a group of individuals tracing descent from a common ancestor, especially such a group of persons whose common ancestor is regarded as its founder. Information in this section includes the Denning and Dreiling lineage charts (family trees), and some additional supportive information.

Descendants of John and Margaret Denning are invited to begin building their own lineage charts using those provided as a starting point. Be sure to also review our history, which contains substantial, text-oriented information on the Volga Germans and the Denning-Dreiling clans.

Denning Family Tree Chart 1
Denning Family Tree Chart 2
Denning Family Tree Chart 3

Denning Family Tree

Information about the Dreilings is taken from a document believed to be prepared by Max Denning (son of John and Margaret Denning) in the 1980s or 1990s. The information is largely unchanged from the original document provided. Refer to the lineage charts to connect to the people and places mentioned.

The following information is taken from the 1798 census of Louis, Russia, the 1798 census of Herzog, Russia, and the 1798 census of Mariental, Russia. Also, valuable information was obtained from the "Die Herzoger," 1876 to 1986.

The 1798 census of Louis, Russia indicates that Martin (born 1721) Denning and family moved to Susly (Herzog) in 1798 from Louis.

"I do not know where the Denning family originated Europe as Martin Denning settled in Louis. We do not have the Louis record of origin in Europe. We do have such a record from Herzog, Graf and Katharinenstadt, however."

Editor: The photocopy chart provided seems to indicate that Martin Denning (born 1721) had three children with Anna Maria Mauer (born 1731). They are Johannes (born 1764), Michael (born 1768) and Katrina (born 1769). Johannes has direct lineage to our John J. Denning (born 1891). Perhaps other family members will be able to provide additional and more definitive information about our lineage.

Dreiling Family Tree

Information about the Dreilings is taken from a document believed to be prepared by Max Denning (son of John and Margaret Denning) in the 1980s or 1990s. The information is largely unchanged form the original document provided. Refer to the lineage charts to connect to the people and places mentioned.

On August 4, 1996, Oren Windholz received the following email transmission from Dr. Igor Pleve, archivist in Saratov, Russia, after I had requested Oren to find out if we could learn the home of origin of the Dreilings, who we know had settled Louis Russia in 1766 before they moved to Herzog sometime before 1798.

From the archivist:
"Frank Dreiling, 30, a catholic, a ploughman, arrived at the Luis (Louis) colony on 14 of June, 1766 with his wife Barbara - age 27 and his Johannes age 2, from Wuerzburg, Karlstadt, Germany. To settle down in the new place he received from the Russian government 150 rubles. In 1768 in his household were 3 horses and 3 cows."

From the AHSGR:
From the 1798 census of Herzog, Russia, obtained by the American Historical Society of Germans From Russia (AHSGR) in Lincoln, Nebraska - from St. Petersburg, we learn about John Dreiling I and his wife Anna M. Vosler and about his soon Johan Dreiling II. Father Michael Dreiling also gave valuable information.

In 1766, Wuerzburg was a Bishopric (a small principality) and Karlstadt was a small town in the Bishopric. Today, they both are cities in Northwest Bavaria.

We owe Oren Windholz a debt of gratitude for making the contact for us with email.

[Signed] L.A.W.



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